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Old 09-28-2024, 03:22 PM   #3
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Re: Motor mount bolt holes won’t align

I had new rubber mounts that I put on. The last time I did it, I had a heck of a time and worked on it for what seemed like hours. I couldn't get it to line up, but I'm sure it does line up. My wife asks me now and then what I got done with the truck, and I tell her a loosened a bolt or tightened a bolt, it took me all day. Anyway, the engine mounts, it was tough, but I finally got it lined up and it went in like butter. It took me 2 days to get one bolt in, it was the driver's side. On the second day, I still had the engine hoist on and lifted the engine just a fraction of an inch and moved it around and re-settled it a few times, and I used a crowbar and was able to shift the engine around just a little tiny bit, and the bolt went in. It's a good idea with the mount out and in your hand make sure the bolt goes in and screws with your fingers for the first few threads. You can also compare old and new mounts to verify holes are in the same places. Bottom line is for me it required patience and dinking around with it, and crawling under the truck, getting back up to shift the engine with the hoist, and getting back under the truck, repeat 173.5 times, it's good exercise.
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