Re: PO has me PO'd
You can tool the panel bond out with a body filler squeegee. Just like you would with glazing putty. That should reduce the amount of sanding and reapplying you need to do. Depending on ambient temps it can definitely feel thicker/stickier than glazing putty. But, it still spreads out fairly well.
If you want to fill those screw holes with it. Chamfer both sides of the holes you want to fill. And clean the the surrounding area to bare metal with a 36 grit disk. Just like when you're bonding two body panels together. Then fill the holes and spread a thin skim coat of the panel bond over the top. If you do any finish sanding afterwards. There should still be a skim coat of panel bond surrounding the holes. I would not do this for any exterior body panels.
Last edited by Grounded63; 10-02-2024 at 12:32 AM.