Thread: Rear bumper?
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Old 10-04-2024, 02:11 PM   #14
purple gas
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Re: Rear bumper?

I had one for a couple years. I paid $20.00 for it. It was pretty rusty and gnarly, but not bent.
A little time with a wire brush wheel and some silver paint it looked pretty decent.
It wasn't the nicest version, there are many types of them. It was super functional though.
A. It was a bumper, so it was legal. Cops have been getting sticky about "vehicle condition" around here lately.
B. The times I used my truck like a truck, the flat step part was great for getting in or out of the back.
I broke down and bought a sport bumper. Looks great, not quite so practical.
The old step bumper I just gave it away. I might have got $25 or $50 for it but I didn't want to go through the trauma of people not showing up to buy it.
When stuff is free, it disappears pretty quick and that's what I wanted.
I got a bench seat baby, you don't have to sit over there.
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