Thread: It's Begun...
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Old 08-26-2004, 08:54 PM   #19
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I've been through 9 bags of sand blasting material so far.
5th pic) Took almost 6hrs to blast the bed floor, it's been metal etched and has the first coat of epoxy primer on it now.

4th pic) When I got the truck it had an aux. tank under the bed and never could figure out how they filled it...through the gas door in the drivers side quarter yep, found a sh*ty patch under a buch of bondo

3rd pic) Filling in all the holes the P/O had in the top of the bed rail's for a tool box I guess.

2nd pic) The truck as it sat by the end of the day today...remember this all started with full intent on ONLY doing the rocker.

1st pic) My truck full of "homework". Brought allot of the sheet metal back to my house to D/A it there. Trying to save a few bucks on labor.
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Last edited by vtblazer; 08-26-2004 at 08:56 PM.
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