Donkey - They were a BIG A auto parts store, but now they are independant. The distributor is in Portland and any special orders usually come the next day. His shop at home is 40' x 40' so he doesn't need to keep any of the building. The only reason he keeps projects there now is so he can go play during the work day. I'll see if I can get some pictures from them.
Coos Bay isn't only near the Beach, it is also the southern end of the Oregon Sand Dunes. All through High School, we could just throw the 3-wheelers in the back of the Pickup and head to the dunes after school. Personally, I like the southern end of the dunes better than up north by Florence.
My parents house is 2 acres on the peak of a hill accross the bay from town. They have a view of the bay, over the city and out to the ocean. Land and housinig are cheap down there too. $380K is just barely above a starter home in Seattle, down there, it goes a long way!
This is a picture of the bridge into town with the sand dunes behind it. That area of the dunes is called "box-car" because the they pull the sand from the dunes to use in glass production and there are usually train cars there. It keeps the dunes steep there so hill climb races are a regular occurance there. It is also party central on big weekends.
This is a view of across Empire Lakes to the community college right in the middle of town. The lakes are about 1/2 mile from my parents store.