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Old 12-15-2024, 09:45 PM   #21
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Re: 1955 Long Distance Build

I have been working on the brakes - I did decide to remove the under-floor pedal assembly and switch to a firewall-mounted setup. I bought the POL bracket and pedal for the 47-53 models and had to shorten it and drill new holes to match up with the steering column support bolts. I also swapped the pedal pad mount to the left side of the pedal arm to give some more room between brake and throttle. I've got the new lines all done but I'm waiting to bleed it until I'm closer to driving in case I have to take any of it apart again.

I've also swapped over to Corvette spacing for the front accessories. New Corvette balancer, water pump and belt tensioner, an ICT Billet bracket and a 145A alternator all installed. Had to notch out a corner of the upper a-arm mount to clear the alternator. Looks like I could fit an A/C compressor on the other side with a similar notch. Still need to get a new balancer bolt and belt to finalize the install. Should give enough room for an electric fan and a shallow shroud.

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