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Old 08-27-2004, 06:01 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Trifelynn
Back home "McHenry" is the cruise strip...where "American Graffiti was based and the idea came from for the movie.

A fellow Modesto native I see.......was the shop you are talking about called "Fast Lanes " ? I dropped a fortune in there restoring my first 72 since at the time he was the only guy around I could find parts from. (pre-internet days)
As a matter of fact it was....haha...WAsn't the guy Indian or something?
That place was great...or it seemed. like you said, before Internet.

Thanks for the other website...and the help guys.

As far as converting the 4wd to 2wd...I have thought about it...
I don't want a bone stock rig....but, I would like it original in that department...<shrug>Maybe I shouldn't be picky....I also don't know the
process, and the pros and cons of doing that...
Always looking for a 2wd blazer
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