Originally Posted by Chaparralman1974
Looking great Scott! You are making a ton of progress. Are you going to run the wire bundle up on top the firewall like the factory? I am thinking about doing that, but I don't like how the ignition wire comes down the center of the firewall to get to the distributor if that makes sense.
The picture of the engine bay in my last post has everything for the engine wired in it. I sealed up the channel on the top of the firewall so there was no place to route wires in. In this pic you can see where I ran my wire loom for the coil, tach, and electric choke behind the engine/top of the transmission to right under the distributor. Then in another loom I ran the oil pressure and water temp sender wires to those sensors and routed it adjacent to the frame rails. The black split sleeve loom helped blend all the wires into the black frame and wheel wells.
I went a little crazy on zip ties, but they make everything look clean and organized. I still want to wrap the wires showing coming out of the fuse block a little better at some point as well.