Originally Posted by LUV2XCLR8
I already have room booked and vacation approved,
only question will be what I am bringing to the show.
Had no idea about the meeting, been going the last
several years, please keep me updated on day/time.
This is the thread Mark started about this event a few years ago.
This is the thread we stay in touch with about details of the show.
The show keeps getting Better every year as you know.
SETN Thread:
There is a C-10 Swap meet there at the fairgrounds this weekend.
It is also growing to be a Great Event also.
Info below.
The early bird gets the worm,
But the second mouse gets the cheese
84 Chevy K-20
63 Impala (my high school car)
http://67-72chevytrucks.com/vboard/s...Crew Cab Build