Thread: Fuel pump PITA
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Old 03-02-2025, 02:20 PM   #3
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Re: Fuel pump PITA

Originally Posted by 1970cstblazer View Post
People chuckle when I boast of running NOS AC fuel pumps on my vintage rides. They are to be trusted more than anything made today. I don't run ethanol fuel in them, so that isn't a thing.
Yeah, I had the original pump on my L79 in the Chevelle rebuilt since no aftermarket pump would ever keep the Holley happy properly.

Nothing I drive gets ethanol. Luckily I live in a rural area where gas stations make a point to sell 100% gas at most places since there are still farm equipment and trucks around that don't want ethanol in them.

But geez parts manufacturers, just make a stock replacement pump that puts out the correct 5.5 psi for a carbureted small block. QJs are the most common carburetor on the planet yet they can't make a pump any more (that isn't a specialty pump) that will work properly with a QJ?
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