Thread: 4WD to a 2WD
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Old 08-31-2004, 12:10 AM   #1
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4WD to a 2WD

Ok I know it's not the normal way but what does it take to convert a 4wd to a 2wd? Can you use a 2wd short box frame? Does that have to be cut down? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Could be the wifes new project, funny how when I brought home my 68 she couldn't believe I was going to put all this money into " that old truck what are you nuts?". Now she keeps telling me to " get it done already, I want to drive it!"
Living the dream

72 2WD Blazer, under going porter built surgery
67 GT Mustang fastback
67 Mustang coupe C/S clone
64 Falcon sprint hardtop
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