There is a car show in Ark City, Kansas that a bunch of us board members meet at each year - this year on Sept. 24-26. Anyway, I have really wanted to take my K20 but I am pretty sure that won't be happening due to the body shop.
The 70 K5 I have hasn't ran in about 7 years and I have been working on it when I can replacing stuff and getting it ready to run. I'm gonna try to get the K5 running so I can at least go the show in classic rather than my daily driver.
I have had the gas tank cleaned out and have replaced all the body mounts.
To get the K5 running will be alot of hours but it is worth a try. Here's a list of stuff I can think of that I must do to get the K5 running, remember it hasn't ran in about 7 years:
Purchase and Install clutch (a buddy may have a clutch I can get from him for cheap)
Resurface flywheel
Purchase NP205 shifter - don't have to have that to be driveable
Air filter and housing - can use K20's for now
Install tranny and transfer case
Rebuild driveshafts, may have to lengthen or shorten rear driveshaft as I am putting in 3/4 ton axles
Purchase conversion U-joint for rear driveshaft
Install gears and Detroit Locker in the 14 bolt rear axle - blazerboy will help me do this but this really doesn't have to be done now, I can get the K5 running and tackle this at some other point
Cut off old spring perches on 14 bolt axle with help of a buddy
Weld on new spring perches and shock tabs on 14 bolt with help of same buddy
Modify and connect brake lines along with bleeding system
Fix steering column turn signal cancel thingie
Run rear electrical lines as had to cut them to remove and repair a bent crossmember
Install different front axle and do brake pads and probably calipers
Install power steering lines, coolant lines (did coolant lines last night), fuel lines
Install Battery cables and fix wiring - finished last night
Reinstall radiator and run wire holder - finished last night
Install HEI, plugs, plug wires
Install fuel pump - prior owner said it might be bad and I have a replacement to put in
Fill radiator, duh
Install gas tank
Have Blazer inspected, tagged and insured
Of course ya need pics of last nights progress right?
Got the wiring straightened up and we have lights!
Got the lower coolant hose and heater hoses on
Along with new battery cables and fusible link installed. (Note I used old heater hoses to cover the positive cable where it runs around the frame, easy insurance to prevent rubbing)
Finally got the stripped thermostat cover issue fixed. Won't be keeping the intake for too long so just JB welded a cut bolt in the hole - Fred T's suggestion
I'm gonna give it my best shot to get the K5 going. I generally only get out to work on my stuff after the kids are in bed and of course I can't get out each evening, but by gawd I'm gonna try to get her running for this show!