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Old 09-04-2004, 01:04 AM   #1
Kiss My SS
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Location: Omaha/Grand Island, NE
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Opinions on an Idea I had/Blazer jimmy door top caps

Hey guys, been gone a while (got married in july and have been working like a dog)
Anyway, I am taking a manufacturing tooling class this semester and we have to design and make a mold for an injection molding machine. The school is paying for the materials and my teacher said that I could make whatever I wanted, so here goes. I was thinking of making some replacement door top caps for first gen blazers and jimmy's. You know the plastic cap that goes on top of the triangle window where it meets the weatherstrip. From what research I have done, no one offers these aftermarket and I only have one of the original ones from my jimmy. Would anybody be interested in some if I was actually able to make them? Or is there already a commercially available replacement? Maybe it wouldn't be worth it. I'm going to my parents house tomorrow to look at my cap and get an idea if it is feaseable. Lemme know what you think. I know of at least one person besides myself that would want one. Thanks
1972 GMC Jimmy 4x4
1985 Chevy Monte Carlo SS
1996 Saturn SC-2
1996 Ford Explorer XLT -Wife's rig
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