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Old 09-04-2004, 11:20 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Bonham, Texas
Posts: 13
Any interest in LWB 72's?

We are on our way to getting a bunch of old trucks and cars, that I mentioned last month. I got kind'a burned because of many of the replies that talked about me being the horses butt from that OTHER town in Texas (Lone Oak). I am from BONHAM, Texas 50 miles away. But, I have gotten over it. One of the trucks we got in our cash and trade deal for over 15 trucks, is a nice, fairly clean, original 1972 long wide, that had a 6 cyl. 3 sd. The engine went south, the old fellow took it out, unhooked everthing correctly, but never had the time to put it back together. The body and interior are really pretty clean. I have a good Texas title. Any idea what it is worth to some one? I can't remember if it is a big back window or not. Has the trans, bell housing, a lot of the engine parts, but NO block. I was thinking about $750 for it. Think I am in line?
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