Donkey69- I'm located in Greenville OH, 25 mi n-nw of Dayton. Almost at the intersection of I-70 and I-75.
If you're coming this way- next Sat Sep 11 we close the main street in downtown Greenville for a pretty big car show 300+ cars- come on down-
Heck- anybody out there- come on down!- I'll be there with my Blazer- also I'll be selling raffle tickets to the Greenville HS Band car- 19th year we have given away a car- great fundraiser- beats door-to-door candy/fruit/pizza/subs/candles/etc. This year it's a fiberglass replica of a 1966 Austin Healy 3000- red fiberglass, hard and soft top, 350 Chevy V8, 4-spd, VROOOMMMMM.