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Old 09-06-2004, 11:34 AM   #20
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72ChevyRock, the remainaing steering wheel that I have is off of a '78 Chevy steering column, I assume it would mount on a '67-72 chevy steering column.
It's in good condition with no cracks or gouges in the wheel and includes the centercap and horn mechanism.
67ChevyC10Stepside, I will attach pics of the backup lights to this reply for you.

Anyone else, I still have the 73-87 BBC Frame Towers, which can be adapted for use on a 67-72 by using a spacer on the top frame rail. I will sell these for $40 plus shipping.

I also have a set of 71-72 1/2 ton disc brake spindles I was going to use on my project, but since I've sold the truck I now have no use for them. I will sell them for $75 plus shipping.

I also still have the lift kit and the 67-70 front bumper brackets.
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Last edited by 72bigblock4wd; 09-06-2004 at 11:37 AM.
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