Well, I put my long weekend to use. Finally getting around to installing my new bed wood. No store-bought stuff here. 100% pure North Louisiana Red Oak from Beekman, LA (just south of my parents home in southern Arkansas). Started out with 8' X 12" X 1" rough cut planks that we shaved down to 3/4", cut to size, and grooved for the metal strips. Ordered new strips and bolt kit, and finally decided to tackle it.
Below is a before shot of the original bed wood. Just like other board members advised, those rusty bolts don't give up without a fight. Ended up cutting around the 8 that hold it to the frame, then used a cut off wheel to show them who was running the show!! Got the bed off and removed the tired old wood.
No one ever mentioned that the side 'angle' stips were spot welded every 4" or so the entire length of the bed!
Nothing a chisel and a Saws-all can't fix!!