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Old 09-08-2004, 12:10 AM   #5
sactoC10's Avatar
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jeez, could be any of these things...

Points, no HEI at this time.

Last full tune-up? GREAT question.

Fuel line does not look too close to the manifold, but vapor lock sounds possible (just ran outside to take a peek).

It has one of thos HUGE A** filters that was in-line for the main tank and the auxiliary tanks (all three)... removed the aux tanks, but maybe that filter is the first place I should check.

Along those lines, when this happened at the car wash last week, it felt (and sounded) like it was running out of gas.

Today it final cranked up when I floored it after I realized it may not be flooded since I did not smell any gas.

Great ideas, at least I have a place to start. THANKS!!!

Keep them coming, in order of where I should start. Fuel filter before points? Truck doesn't idle rough, sputter or back fire... just likes to shut off after running for a while.
5/4 drop LWB wood bed - 15x8 front 235/60 - 15x10 rear 295/50
2003 FORD Escape
1998 Honda VTR1000

Last edited by sactoC10; 09-08-2004 at 12:17 AM.
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