WOW!!! Very nice truck!
How far is WA from TN?
If you need to get back at him for something you could tell him he can have all the cost after you sell it and sell it to me real cheap !! ($5000 and write the bill of sale for $500 and keep $4500 )
I guess splitting the truck is better than him taking it from you...if that was the case I was going to see if you wanted to part with it for your half just so he doesn't take it away from you!
Like if you can't have it neither can he but you get paid but I guess its better this way...on good terms.
WOW!!! It was a mean thing for me to think especially since I'm new on the block and I certainly don't want to upset the balances that make up this unique goup/family.
Wanna marry me and keep it in the family? (I'll ask my wife first?)
let me know if you change your mind I can be up there with some cash real quick
want my ph# in case?
Last edited by XR650RKing; 09-08-2004 at 08:04 PM.