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Old 09-10-2004, 12:08 AM   #6
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Left Coast
Posts: 254
I picked up my Blazer in Pincher Creek (AB) for 5200. Body looked good from the outside, but the edges of the floor panels are rusted on both sides. I also had to replace the rear axles because of axial slop, all new ball joints, tie rods, steering gear and pump. I did quite a few other things like upgrade brakes, stereo, etc., but that was optional. Other than that, it drives like a champ!

I've put 6000 miles on in the past year and the surprising thing is that even with the engine at 102,000 miles, it doesn't use any oil between 3000 mile oil changes. Those early 350 blocks must have a lot of nickel in them to prevent the bores from wearing. I just get a little puff of blue after sitting overnight from the valve guides leaking.

I've seen quite a few 67-72 trucks driving around, but only a very few Blazers, and none in the past year besides mine. Maybe I'll see you around.

I'd say buy it! If you see an olive green with white roof stock looking Blazer around Calgary, it's me!
72 K5 Blazer
74 Vette
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