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Old 09-12-2004, 12:09 AM   #9
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Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Carver County, Minnesota, USA
Posts: 627
Dang! I just saw that today (Saturday), as I was heading up to Windy Hill Auto Parts. The ambulance is located a little bit south of 60 th St/Ave & Hwy 71, if I recall correctly.

If you figure on going to Windy Hill, forget it. It has been about 6 years since I've been there and the yard sold and they crushed and hauled just about everything out of there. Just a lot of bare land and fond memories. They had about 4 of our trucks on like 110 bare acres. The new owner is crazy in price. D29 West Coast Jr Mirrros (Painted, and needs paint) -- $20.00 ea if you take them off. Offered $20 for the pair he wasn't interested. Starter for 350 engine $35.00. Forget it. Bah.

I feel lucky to have visited this yard when it was in it's hey day. I'll never go back.
72 Chev C-10 90% restored (former AZ truck) ...
71 Chev K-20 Cheyenne my vacation crusier...
72 Chev C-10 Now retired and striped after many faithful miles...
72 GMC 1500 Retired to the junk yard after bought new in '71...
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