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Old 09-12-2004, 11:21 AM   #3
Lovin' Life in Miss.!
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Thanks, my mistake. The gm diagram shows the side marker light wired in parallel with the front turn signal with the circuit drawing power from both the turn signal and park light wires. Both lights share a ground through the front park/turnsignal light. If side bulb blows, everything still works. The side markers do not ground through the assembly. It's a plastic housing plugging in to a plastic side marker.
The Painless wires are as follows
Left side- #988 brn/wht- side marker light. #927 brn-park light. #926 Lt blu- turn signal.
Rt side- #988 brn/wht-side marker. #927 Brn-Park Light. #925 Blu- turn signal.

Pretty sure I need to connect #927 to park and sidemarker. The instructions call for "#927 (brn) to all front park lights." The side marker is supposed to illuminate in park?

Any help appreciated.
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