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Old 09-12-2004, 09:49 PM   #1
1969 GMC
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Post what did you do this weekend?

This weekend, I was bummed that I didn't get to go to the Ohio board meet. But it was ok, I had to work friday night, most of saturday, and most of today, oh and fix my car . This is what happens when a rusty 16 year old brake line in a 16 year old Buick meets a sudden 25 mph stop for a teenage girl on her cell phone who decided not to move when the light turned green

PIC 2: AFTER - car was driveable and not badly damaged, but it wasnt driveable at night. Body shop quote = $967

PIC 3: junkyard find...grille from an '86 LeSabre with sealed lamp headlights. @ $64 for everything pictured, a tad better than the body shop. did i mention that all 4 headlights even worked?

PIC 4: 4 hours of work later(yes 4 hours, i HATE torx bits with the passion of 1,000 fiery suns )

So how was your weekend? hope it was more fun that mine (Thanks to N2TRUX for the idea )
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1969 GMC K2500
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2007 Kawasaki KLR 650

Last edited by 1969 GMC; 09-12-2004 at 09:53 PM.
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