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Old 09-12-2004, 10:10 PM   #5
1969 GMC
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Originally Posted by Longhorn Man
heh heh heh some one has to say it...
Bummer bout the car, is the cell phone girl writing you a check by chance? From your description, she caused the accident by not paying attention. Ohio law says nothing about cell phone use, however, distracted driving is illegal.

I got a ticket for failure to maintain assured clear distance. She put the cell phone away, I mentioned it to the officer, but he was more interested in hitting on the girl (well, she was He also didn't want to hear about the fact that my brakes were out. "officer, if my brakes are OK then why is the brake idiot light on the dash lit up all the time?"
"cars do that alot when you they are involved in accidents."
"if the brakes are ok why does my pedal go to the floorboard and doesn't do anything?"
"was it like that before? drive forward a couple feet then stop."
so i did, and it stopped in about 6 feet.
"you're fine, son."
And of course, my AAA family plan is used up (thanks to dad's Ford).

EDIT: if bandwidth is of concern, I deleted a bunch of residual attachments from my user cp. sorry
1969 GMC K2500
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