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Old 09-13-2004, 11:22 PM   #4
Left Foot Functioning
stickshift_or_walk's Avatar
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Duncan, OK
Posts: 351

Man, that pic is definitely worth whatever trouble it was to shoot! I've been wondering about that piece of the puzzle for some months now, since all my trucks came radio-free.

So is that bracket available from a board vendor, or is it a hunt-and-find item only? Anyone come up with a suitable substitute? I assume it holds both the dash speaker and the radio support?

Also, where do the screws punch through? Only the inner firewall, or into the cowl area?

69 C10 (#1 son's ride)
72 C20 (Dad's farm truck)
82 K30 (Ex - brush pumper project)
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