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Old 09-14-2004, 12:19 AM   #1
Wonder Boy
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Posts: 75
New tailgate too loose

I just got a new tailgate for my '70 K5 from LMC truck, and for those of you who've replaced their tailgates, you know that there are two big round "tubes" or something on the bottom that go into each side of the tailgate to support it and make it hinge. Well, the sheetmetal around those tubes on my tailgate isn't as tight fitting as the original one was, so the tailgate is down about 1/8" on the driver's side and 1/4" on the pass. side. I don't want to grind the tailgate guides at the top so they will go in to the holes on the body, so is there any way to tighten up the tailgate on the bottom where the sheetmetal wraps around those tubes? Maybe bang a hammer on the top part of the sheetmetal to send it down, which would bring the tailgate up?
Currently restoring a 1970 K5 CST.
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