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Old 09-14-2004, 05:32 PM   #9
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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In tx there is an anual safety inspection. That's when mine was discovered. The problem is, they don't want some yahoo doing a 1/2 assed instalation. If it is not installed properly, it can do more harm to you, then just having the correct lap belt.
Some of the instalations I have seen on here are marginan at best. While the top point is fine, and the mounting point that the latch will go to is fine too, (all stock holes) the point that you need to mount the racheting mechinism is the point of trouble. on the drivers side, there is not enough room to just bolt it into place. The fuel tank is in the way with most belt assemblys. So people use a piece of flat metal. I don't care if that metal is 1/4 inch thick, it'll bend in an accident from the leverage and amount of force you put on the upper belt in an accident. Then there are the ppl who just drill a new hole in the cab floor. This is also a bad idea, even with a large washer underneath the floor, it can easily rip throughthe floor in the extreem forces of a collision.
There is the chance of future lawsuits against whom ever installed said 'upgraded' belts. Saw a case in California where the person who restored an old Mustang (a 68 if memory's been about 10 years) and installed a modern 3 point. The guy who bought the car, let his son drive it who was killed in an accident. It was determined that the incorrect belt mounted in the car is what killed him.
Notice NHRA has very strict guidlines on how to install a 4 or 5 point harness. If it is not EXACTLY how they tell you to do it, you don't race. That's it case closed end of story. This is becouse of improper instalations. Like some one bolting the 2 upper straps to the floor behinde the drivers seat. This will crush you in a wreck.

Chances are, 99% of the time, no one will ticket you for adding a 3 point, but you'd be asking for a ticket wearing a 4 or 5 point on the street.
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