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Old 09-15-2004, 06:20 PM   #5
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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They run on one single wire...dark green if memory serves.
Best first place to look is the fuse obviously, but then the switch. On an automatic, it is at the bottom of the column with the netral safety switch, it is the one with the green wire on there, the purple wired plug is the neutral safety switch. Check for power going in, and then power going out of the switch. You can make a jumper to see if the lights come on.
After that, if all checks out, I would skip the whole underside, and go straight to the rats nest under the bumper. Onless you are lucky...or rewired it...then there has probably been 5 or so trailer harnesses installed over the last 30+ years. Look to see if the wires are buggared up, and repair what ever you find.
If you still have nothing, then follow the harness untill you find a messed up section.

If you have power to the wire all the way to the bulb, but still no light, then you have a ground issue.
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