Thread: 2wd to 4wd...
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Old 09-15-2004, 06:43 PM   #1
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2wd to 4wd...

allright, i think im going to convert the truck from 2wd to 4wd. anyone have a clue how hard this would be? im thinking of just trying to by a 4X4 truck for 1000 and just switching every over. does this sound like a good plan? also i've got a warmed over 454 and i don't like braking rearends/transfer cases. what would be a good T-case to get and front end, i've got my ford 9 out back so im not worried their. Also, sence i have a long bed, what drive shaft would i need or how much shorter would it need to be with the T-case. and another question, would i need to try to find a T-case for a 700R4 or does it matter as long as it was an auto trans? Thanks and i am totally new to 4X4 so i know nothing.
'96 Nissan Pathfinder
'02 Firebird Trans Am.
'88 K5 Blazer
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