Thread: 2" body lift
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Old 09-16-2004, 01:53 AM   #11
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Join Date: Dec 1999
Location: san diego, ca
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Offroad designs in Colorado makes a one inch body lift for Blazers. The web page lists '73-'87 only but my buddy bought a set for his '69, just call and they set you up with what you need. You can buy as many as you need if you have a truck. Since I have a truck and need alot more "pucks", one of my buddys made mine on the lathe out of aluminum.

As far as clutch linkage, I just cut it in half, found some tubing to slip over the rod and welded it back together. I extended it about 3/4". Also made brackets to space the fan shroud down 1". Electric fans eleminate this problem also. I also got a 1" spacer for the thermostat housing. I actually got it so the thermostat housing would clear my temp. sending unit since my new vortec engine had too small of a hole in the head. Just turned out to help the upper hose be in the stock location. Only thing I haven't fixed is the lower hose rubs the inner fender a little more than I'd like. Looks pretty easy to fix but I have been concentrating on building a front bumper which now that i think about it, looks like the stock one would have been a tight fit.
'70 K-20 San Diego, CA
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