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Old 09-16-2004, 02:18 AM   #1
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Stick shift/4wd tranny hump for trade

I got a tranny hump out of a Blazer at the junk yard thinking it would fit my '70 K-20. Don't know the year of the Blazer, the front clip was gone. Actually, just because it was in a Blazer doesn't mean it belongs in a Blazer. But if you can use it great. Turns out I need the tranny and t-case shifter holes to be centered, these are not. I'm hoping someone has one for my truck they would like to trade. This one is not cherry it has some dents and the tranny shifter hole is bent up a bit. It's is however in better shape than mine. I do not want to sell it yet, if I do not find a trade after a while I will consider selling it.

Some idiot who owned my truck before me thought it would be easier to cut the hump between the holes and bend it up so they could slide the tranny back to change the clutch rather that pull the hump.
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'70 K-20 San Diego, CA

Last edited by poff; 09-16-2004 at 02:20 AM.
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