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Old 09-16-2004, 08:33 AM   #12
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Hey Longhair, thanks! That's just the height I'm looking for. The lower shot with different wheels really gives it a different look, and it doesn't look like a modified pic.

Hey loweredd, saw your pic and thought for a minute 'Hey I didn't send that shot!'
Also checked out your webpage. So yours really is as low as the way Longhair made mine look. Looks like you put a lot of work in that truck.

The pic of mine is kind of the good side to the truck. The door hinges wore out on the previous owner and he let the door get into the fender, the edge of the door is really krinkled, and it's hard to see, but there was a dent almost the size of a football in the side of the door from him pushing there to slam it. I popped it back out, but it's still messed up. Looks like the guy that had it wanted it all black. He pulled all the chrome molding and fender emblems (and threw them away) and went down the passenger side and across the tailgate on the gray part with some kind of paint thinner or something. So on the rest of the truck that doesn't show in the pic, the gray is rough like primer and all blotched looking. I'd eventually like to get it painted either all a dark smoke gray, or have even been playing with the idea of flat black on the whole thing. I'm undecided on whether or not I want to find some Silverado fender emblems and put them back on. I probably will, I like keeping things kind of original.

1984 Chevy C-10
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