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Old 09-18-2004, 11:29 PM   #18
Garage Queen Material
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Originally Posted by swervin ervin
I absolutely love my TTII's but one thing you will need to remember. They are not made for a lazy person.

They require frequent cleaning and polishing to keep them looking nice. Brake dust is killer on these things, so keep them clean. I buy the polished wheel maintenance kit from American Racing. It's $14.95 plus shipping but this stuff works wonders for these wheels. I figure no one knows better what works on them than the makers. The kit comes with polish and a wax. The wax seals them to help keep out brake dust and other dirt.
thanks for the heads up.

before they were mounted, i spent about an hour each night on a seperate wheel. used mothers mag and alum. polish. worked wonders on them.
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