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Old 09-19-2004, 02:56 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by 86 Red_Bowtie
Rember when your trying to get faster times at the track the bumper will slow you down because it ways more and is less aerodynamic . Other than that the truck looks BAD TO THE BONE.

Keep up the good work.
Whatever. Remember, our trucks are light in back...and the bumper will actually keep more weight over the rear wheels...something a roll pan will not do. More weight over the rear wheels = better traction. I personally like bumpers and don't really care for roll pans, but you won't find me talking down about others people trucks who have pans. Also, aerodynamics means squat when it comes to our trucks...they are all shaped like bricks!

Eric, those wheels look great...good job! Maybe you can sell your old wheels and tires and buy your gears or posi.
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