Talk to your insurance agent. If you have the truck insured for a stated value, and you provide a copy of the "contract" signed by the body shop representative (owner?), I'd try to find a way to collect on the insurance. If the insuror investigates, and I'm thinking they will, he will see that one way or another, he'll be liable for the $14K....if the insurance company declares it to be a total loss....which is seems to be at this point. You're still out $5K. Small claims courts usually have a limit, and $14-19K is over that limit.
There's the bad publicity side of the issue. Does your local TV station have a department that airs stuff like this? The fact that he fired two employees doesn't matter. If the "contract" is held to be enforceable, he's at fault, and liable.
I work with a lady who had a similar agreement with a person they knew. When the bodyman went a year without making any progress, they sued him. In fact, Texas Justice contacted them about putting it on TV, but they declined. When it went to court, they won a judgement against the bodyman. He paid their claim, and he kept the truck.
Until you start legal proceedings, he probably won't do anything except keep up the oratory rhetoric. A letter from a lawyer might entice him to finish the project, but unless he's willing to let you take YOUR truck from his business, you'll probably need a court order to get him to let it go. He probably has time and material invested and he's not going to give up the possible income without a fight.
After contacting a local street rod shop about doing my truck, and receiving an estimate "in the $15-20K ballpark", I have decided that my truck will truly be finished when it has a coat, or two, of black primer-sealer....for that "Old Skool" look. I've already got $6K tied up, and it's a decent driver. But, it's not worth putting the kind of money in it that the rod shop wanted for their services. It would have been nice, but I have spent too much money helping the kids out of financial jams. It would be nice if my kids would pool their resources and contact "Pimp My Ride" or "Overhauled" and "surprise" me with a redo.
Good luck. You need a lawyer.
Member Nr. 2770
'96 GMC Sportside; 4.3/SLT - Daily driven....constantly needs washed.
'69 C-10 SWB; 350/TH400 - in limbo
The older I get, the better I was.