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Old 09-19-2004, 10:56 AM   #14
Harold Shepard
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Join Date: May 2004
Location: Canton North Carolina
Posts: 466
I went through the same thing, and ended up finishing the truck myself- save for the paint. Some people are truely rear ends about things. I am sure you have seen the signs that some people put in their shops about emergencies and getting it there sooner, sounds like it is ok if they say crap like that but when you are the one paying after all they are working for you, they act like every problem they have is your fault... Crap, they should quit crying and hire some help. Down side to your problem and what I ran into was others won't touch the job after someone else has started because they don't trust the work even if it is a very reputable shop/man. So you prob. should pick it up, but good luck finding someone to tackle a started job.
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