Well, I've got to say reading this subject has me a little ticked. What happened to a man's word, a hand shake, and in this case a signed contract. If I owned the shop and signed a contract like that then it would be like overhauling. No rest, no fun, no goofing off until I met my commitment. Is this guy a professional? He sure isn't acting like one is he. You shouldn't need to kiss his ass to get what he stated he would do. His problems are irrelavent to the issue. He signed a contract he needs to live up to it. He's starting to sound like a professional football player. They sign the contract and then say they are not getting paid enough and the contract gets re-negotiated. That's all a bunch of crap. Loyalty and honor are words that seem to not exist to some individuals. So I guess what I've learned from this is trust no one but that isn't the way I am. I guess I can fall back to the second thing I've learned. Buy the tools, get the practice, rent the space and do it all yourself. You can pretty much bet that no one will work on it as hard as you will. Good luck dealing with poor excuse for a business owner.
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