Well, if you were to read the thread on the
Ohio Board Meet You'd hear about this...
I was hot roding the town car and pushing it harder than anyone in there right mind would ever do, and a can of POR 15 that was up high in my trunk jumped down and into the bottom of my 1/4 panel, it busted open and splattered all over the place. It was dripping out of my 1/4 panel (dunno why, the car has no rust) and into the driveway. I was told i had an oil leak, which i knew was not possible. I had noticed a funny smell, but it smelled like real old gassoline, and I had just tossed a carb in the trunk that had sat on LonghornJeff's shelf for a number of years.
Later I fell asleep in the car, and when I woke up, i was stumbling around, falling over my stuff, and generally acting drunk...even though i had not had a single drink.
I opened the trunk to start putting my junk back in there when I saw stuff covered in black POR 15. Really ticked me off...even at wholesale cost, I was out almost 25 bucks. I ended up drilling a hole in the bottom of my quarter, and letting it all drain in Mike's grass. I had POR all over my hands, got some on the leather in the back seat of the car, all over my new cordless drill, the trunk carpet, my lincoln repair manual, and some other crap I had flopping around in the trunk.
And now you know, the