Sorry about the posting issue. Wont happen again. The Cyl. problem was in the engine. We took the old cam out and saw one of the lobes were rounded off. They tried to put umbrella's on it to try to solve the smoke problem but that didnt help. As to the brake lines being replaced...They "told me" they replaced all the brake lines with the money I gave them and the lines do look like their new but I can not be sure. I will give them your info you told me to have them check it out. That sure seems like what you have with the C10. When I told my brother what was happening he asked if it was pulling right or left? I said it pretty much when right down the middle of the road. But when I stopped alot of smoke came from the right side fender or from behind the tire. Felt like the brakes were on but in the cab the "Brake" light was not on but I could smell something within the cab. Truck just got slower and slower.
Thanks for the info. Truck69