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Old 09-21-2004, 10:56 PM   #3
The LuvShack Garage
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Maple Grove, TN (West Side)
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Originally Posted by whitesswj
Guys, i'm was getting ready to put the transmission on the 350 for the 68 and i had took the clutch fork off with out wanting to and when a friend and me went to put it back on we found it too hard to put back on but then it was too easy to take right back off.
I then looked inside the cup that takes the pivot ball and found the retainer bent, so i took it out and was trying to bend it back in to what looked like an orgional shape, but the 37 year old metal gave way and broke.

I went to the local AutoZone and found nothing and then to O"crappies and they are ordering me the ball b/c they can't find a clutch fork or the retainer so they're hoping to get the retainer w/ the ball.

I said all that to say this: what is the proper way to reinstall the clutch fork on a 67 3spd Tranny? and does anyone have a good 4 or 5 spd close or within a reasonable distance from Memphis, TN? thanks sswj
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