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Old 09-22-2004, 05:33 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Modesto, CA
Posts: 1,321
Tailpipes Vs. Dumps: What's the sound difference

Currently I've got NO tailpipes. (Just have the piece of pipe on the mufflers that the factory puts on; about 4" long)
My question is, what kinda sound different am I gonna get, if I put on a pair of dumps (or turndowns, whichever you call em), OR if I get a set of tailpipes that exit before the rear tires (like Cochino12 has)
Right now, you really can't hear the exhaust, other than a big vibration. (More of a FEEL than a sound)

In case anyone wants to see what I mean...
I have a few cars...
See Them Here

Last edited by TIMSPEED; 09-22-2004 at 05:36 PM.
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