Originally Posted by TooMany2count
i do know on some of the earlier 80's model burbs w/tailgates you would see the mounting points for the barn doors (84's didnt have them, i know cause i own one). now wether or not the barn door burbs had the the tail gate mounting points under the truck i couldnt tell you. BUT i do know you could take the tailgate stuff off & put barn doors on, but cant say if it works the other way around.
as for this ~~> that track unbolts or unscrews from the burb body, cause its made outta fiberglass....joe
Right, I remember my K5 had the barn door hinge mtg points with threaded inserts, however my burb isnt notched at the bottom for the gate hinges. I guess anythings possible, just depends how much time/money you throw at it