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Old 09-23-2004, 12:30 AM   #1
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Vaccum advance??

Well after beating my head againts a wall for two weeks I finally broke down and pulled the distributor retimed it and it fired right up. Guess I had a plug wire out of order?

Anyways I was shooting for 12* before but wound up with 10. As soon as I hook the advance up AT IDLE it jumps straigt up to 28*. I know its good to have it come in as soon as possible, but at idle seems a little to quick to me and could be why its not performing the way I think it should.

Do I need a new canister or a new spring and weight set? I found the weight set in summit, but no canisters. Probably better off to do all of it right? I switched it to my ported hook up so it now has 12 at idle, but if you barley touch the throttle and give it vaccum it jumps to 28.

Now on to fixing the rear end.
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