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Old 09-23-2004, 01:58 AM   #5
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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The older vans actually had the horse shoe shaped plug, and the correct long shifter. The later ones which are more abundant have a short shifter which looks 10 times better behind most after market...or late model steering wheel.
The vans that are almost a direct swap are 72 - 81. I think there were a hand full of 82's with the old column...or maybe it was the 3/4 and one ton trucks in 82 that still had it, but I know my first tilt came off an 82.
The 82/83 and up have the ignition switch in the column, wiper controll, high beams, and all this is placed in a much larger column which won't fit under your inst. panel without some real work.
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