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Old 09-24-2004, 05:40 AM   #1
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Body Mount HELP!!!!!!!!

In the process of replacing my body mounts, ordered the kit from Christians. Just removed the rear body mounts, position 5, at the back just by the tailgate. There is a metal piece, three sided, that sits just atop the rubber mount and up against the bottom of the floor. One is bent the other has one side of it missing, probably rusted away. Once the body was raised these pieces were lose, do they need to be welded on??????? Does anyone make these??????? None of my catalogs, or the factory manual I have, shows this piece.

There is another piece that runs inside of this rectangular three sided piece, it is spot welded/tacked to the body, this is were the bolt actually goes through. On the drivers side the spot welds have given out and it is lose. Does this need to be re-spot welded/tacked????????

Hope this makes sense. As always, any and all comments are welcome. Thanks

'71 Jimmy, 350, SM465, NP205, 2in Tuff Country lift, 33s on rallies, TBI, softtop and hardtop

"If life was fair you'd be able to afford one of each and a garage large enough to house them all."
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