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Old 09-24-2004, 03:08 PM   #1
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Vortex 454 cuts out at 3400 rpm

I have a 1996 1 ton chevy 454 that cuts out at 3400 rpm and I'm at a lose on what to do. Here is what I have done. First I had the transmission rebuilt. when i got it back it ran good for a while, no problem. It seem for no reason to do this If you run it up to 3400 rpm it will start cutting out, before 3400 It runs good. It will do this in park or running down the road. I took It to the dealer they put it on there computer and said change crank shaft sensor, I did and no change. I went back and they told me to change the computer so I let them do that because they said It had to be programed to the truck. They did that and still the same. Has anyone had this problem? It a 1996 chevy 1 ton Vortex 454 Auto. Thanks
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