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Old 09-26-2004, 07:36 PM   #5
Harold Shepard
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Join Date: May 2004
Location: Canton North Carolina
Posts: 466
Yeah It is better to learn to do something than pay to have it done, that way you can look back and say I did that. As far as parts, you have got some of the important ones. Post on the parts board for the th400 frame bracket, check with Tim Christian about the trans cooler lines - about $50 plus you don't have to bend them, the GM dealer for the TH400 trans yoke- about $60. If your starter is old, prob. should replace it anyway $50 + bolts $5 and shim pack $3. Trans cooler $30-$50 bucks and finally Motormite flexplate- $30 plus you need to figure out what rear end gear you have in order to get your speedo gear right- trans shop or dealer is are the people to talk to about this (choices are 3.07 or 3.73 rear gears). Tell parts guys that you have 350 engine w/ th400 need new flexplate and starter and you want to see what they have in aux. trans coolers. Tell dealer or trans shop what rear end you have and they will (should ) be able to give or get the correct trans drive gear and driven gear (located in the trans tail housing- should be about $15 or so). Hope this helps. Harold
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