Plan B, times up! He ain't going to work on it and I would'nt have him touch it. The guy obvoiusly has some issues. Before you mention " lawyers" or "sueing", get your truck and /or all the peices out of his shop. Explain to him (nicely) that it just isn't working out. See if you can reach a settlement with him on the money(which he probaley dose not have). It's not the moment to cause hard feelings (thats later) and when you are retrieving your things, bring as many bubies as you can. Just in case you get PO'd and want to kick off in his A$$H. They can help you load up and also hold you back, just in case. In the meantime, do the legal advice thing and know your options before you talk to the guy. IMO your insurance company will not get involved. Its really not there area to enforce this type of issue. You would have to file a some kinda claim before you would even get an appointment with them. The first truck I rebuilt, I took peices to the body shop and had them worked. Half payed upfront and the remainder when the peice was done. Assembeled it home the best I could and then took it in for panel alignment. Not show quality but, darn I loved that truck. Hope this helps and if there is a will, there is a way.