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Old 10-05-2004, 10:33 PM   #3
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Take the cables and cut the rubber off the end that attaches to the battery. Obtain a 3/8 by 1/2 inch long bolt, with a nut. (one for each post) Run the nut all the way to the head of the bolt, then thread the bolt through the hole in the cable terminal and turn it untill it bottoms out in the battery. Then with a 9/16 wrench, turn the nut towards the battery untill the cable terminal end is tight against the battery.
This keeps everything tight, and gives a great place to hook jumper cables/charger to. It also gets rid of the 5/16 head fitting that always gets rounded onless you have a box end wrench to use.
You could also just replace the cables with new ones or nice junk yard cables.
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