Thread: Detroit Locker
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Old 10-05-2004, 10:52 PM   #5
1969 GMC
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Originally Posted by Yukon Jack
Go over to and you will find a number of posts on this subject - it will work and you do need to use the 14 bolt's shafts - but that is all I can remember about it.
Thats funny, when I saw the original post I went over to pirate and started researching it. Apparently, you need to use the H052 carrier and the 14 bolt detroit locker and axleshafts (which may or may not fit, sometimes they are 1/8" too long or are just perfect). The reason i think the 14 bolt carrier would not work is because the Eaton's ring gear is slightly smaller than the 14bolt's (I am not clear on whether you could use the whole 14 bolt carrier, gears, and locker though, there might not be enough room inside the pig for it). A few people said that the Eaton and 14 bolt Detroit lockers look identical when placed side to side, except for the spline count, so that would make sense to keep the Eaton carrier. I want to do this mod, but need to find a 14 bolt donor. I am going to go research it more now.
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